„Nagie” to premierowa prezentacja kolaży i instalacji przestrzennej Magdy Hueckel – wszechstronnej artystki i aktywistki łączącej w swojej pracy doświadczenie wyniesione z fotografii, teatru i filmu.
Magda Hueckel – artystka wizualna, autorka scenariuszy, filmów, fotografka teatralna. Jej prace wystawiane były na ponad 40 indywidualnych i ponad 60 zbiorowych wystawach w kraju i na świecie (m.in. w Tate Britain w Londynie, Circulation w Paryżu, Unseen Amsterdam, Vienna Art Fair, Center for Contemporary Art w Berlinie).
Więcej informacji → tiny.pl/dddwq
?? | #CityProgram | “Naked” – Magdalena Hueckel
"The Technique of Nude Photography" is a two-volume photography manual published in London in the 1950s. Inside, you will find photographs of women, accompanied by instructions on how to photograph them and numerous comments on the assets and “defects” of very similar, standardised bodies. The book is yet another example of the fetishising, paternalistic and patriarchal male gaze in the visual arts.
In an act of rebellion, the artist cut up the publication and used the remaining fragments to create new images, according to her own canon of beauty based on myths and indigenous beliefs. In her collages, the division into genders and genres disappears, replaced with a glorification of freedom and power, and a search for the repressed, the devalued, the forbidden. Naked is a premiere presentation of collages and spatial installations by Magda Hueckel, a versatile artist and activist who combines her experience in photography, theatre and film in her work.
Magda Hueckel – visual artist, screenwriter, filmmaker, theatre photographer. Her works have been exhibited in more than 40 individual and over 60 collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad (including Tate Britain in London, Circulation in Paris, Unseen Amsterdam, Vienna Art Fair, Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin).
? WHEN: 14-23.06.2024
? WHERE: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Fotograficzne, Piotrkowska 102
More details → tiny.pl/dddw4