Jak sam mówi, nie zawsze wie, dokąd zmierza, jaki efekt podczas pracy pragnie osiągnąć i dokąd zaprowadzi go ciekawość. Ufa jednak intuicji i doświadczeniu 30 lat zagłębiania się w filozofię fotografii. Niniejsza wystawa jest kontynuacją wcześniejszych spotkań z multiplikacją, obcowanie z nią ewoluuje jednak, otwiera zupełnie nowy rozdział. I wciąga, hipnotyzuje efektem zwielokrotnionego lustra, pociąga, zmusza do refleksji. Co właściwie widzimy? Czy to wciąż rzeczywistość? Co istnieje naprawdę? Co jest tutaj prawdziwe? Czy mamy do czynienia jeszcze z fotografią? Dokąd sięga granica postrzegania świata i możliwość jego przekształcania? Jak zwykle w przypadku prac Zbigniewa nie ma jednoznacznych i prostych odpowiedzi. Gorąco zachęcam do podjęcia próby odnalezienia własnych... I do powędrowania meandrami ścieżek krzyżujących się na styku twardych reguł grawitacji, dostępnej dzisiaj techniki i niczym nieograniczonej, ludzkiej wyobraźni.
Emilia Twardowska
Photography Gallery in name of Eugeniusz Haneman
Lodz, 102 Piotrkowska street
We invite you to the photography exhibition of
Zbigniew Januszek
Exhibition opening 20.05.2022 r, o godz. 18:30
Photography Gallery in name of Eugeniusz Haneman
Łódź, ul. Piotrkowska 102
Task ,,EKOlogical – World we are live in , exhibition Zbigniew Januszek ,,Kaleidoscope” was realised thanks to donation from budget of city Łódź.
If someone asks who Zbigniew wis, there are probably many different answers: a man, an entrepreneur, a friend, chemist by education, a printing specialist, a photography lover, an insightful observer of reality, a reporter, a seeker of knowledge hidden in archives. And this list could possibly be much longer. From the perspective of this exhibition, however, another aspect is important. Zbigniew is a traveler. Constantly on the move between his native Wrocław and Łódź, a city discovered and being loved, in the process of finding himself and his life path. The photographs presented here are also a journey, a wandering along the routes that the author daily trod along streets that are so well known to him, and additionally supplemented with a meeting with Egypt. However, we will not find here picturesque landscapes, unambiguous details or easily recognizable architectural forms. Zbigniew takes us into the unknown, to the unexplored waters of the experiment. He plays, manipulates with reality, multiplies and transforms the familiar dimension that is safe for us into a new quality, into a new concept of the world. As he says himself, he does not always know where he is going, what effect he wants to achieve while working, and where his curiosity will lead him. However, he trusts his intuition and the experience gained during 30 years of delving into the philosophy of photography. This exhibition is a continuation of previous encounters with multiplication, but being with it is evolving, it opens a completely new chapter. It draws you in, hypnotizes you with the effect of a multiplied mirror, it attracts you and forces you to make reflection. What are we actually seeing? Is it still a reality? What is real? What's real here? Are we still dealing with photography? Where are the limits of perceiving the world and the possibility of transforming it? As usual in the case of Zbigniew's works, there are no clear and simple answers. I strongly encourage you to try to find your own ones. And to follow the meanders of paths crossing the hard rules of gravity, the technology available today and the unlimited human imagination.
Emilia Twardowska