W tytule przelewu należy podać – Wolność w kwadracie
Miejsce wystawy: Galeria Fotografii im. Eugeniusza Hanemana, Łódź ul. Piotrkowska 102
Wernisaż wystawy 14 czerwca 2022 r. o godz. 18:30.
Do wystawy zostanie przygotowany katalog w formie pdf
W opłacie uczestnictwa pokryte są koszty wydruku zdjęć, przygotowania katalogu oraz koszty administracyjne wystawy
Wszystkie nadesłane prace, które będą spełniały wymogi zawarte w regulaminie wezmą udział w wystawie.
Regulamin oraz karta zgłoszeniowa będzie dostępna w siedzibie Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Fotograficznego ul. Piotrkowska 102 oraz na stronie internetowej www.ltf.com.pl
We invite you to participate in the international photography exhibition entitled "Freedom in square II".
Organizer: Photographic Society of Lodz
Purpose of the exhibition: The exhibition is to show the current state of art photography. The word FREEDOM, in the context of the current geopolitical situation, is now misplaced in all cases. A meaning that seemed to be long forgotten, at least in this part of the world, returns. However, we hope for a more diverse interpretation of the topic, as FREEDOM can be considered in many aspects of life, not only from the perspective of military operations.
How to take part? - It should be sent to Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. (in the subject line of the e-mail it is necessary to mention - Freedom in a square) the photo should refer to the title of the exhibition, i.e. it should present the broadly understood meaning of the word FREEDOM.
Digital file with name and surname, digital photo with a 1:1 aspect ratio, prepared for printing in the 30x30 cm format and 300 dpi resolution, saved in JPG format, black and white and color, photo montage is allowed
Application deadline: May 31, 2022
Cost of participation: PLN 50 or EUR 15 (ŁTF members PLN 40)
Payment should be made by bank transfer to the ŁTF account
Account number: 13 1020 3352 0000 1202 0074 2676
For foreign transfers - SWIFT code: BPKOPLPW
The title of the transfer should include - Freedom in a square
Place of the exhibition: Galeria Fotografii im. Eugeniusza Hanemana, Łódź ul. Piotrkowska 102
Exhibition opening on June 14, 2022 at 18:30.
A pdf catalog will be prepared for the exhibition
The participation fee covers the costs of printing photos, preparing the catalog and the administrative costs of the exhibition
All submitted works that meet the requirements set out in the regulations will take part in the exhibition.
The regulations and the application form will be available at the seat of the Łódź Photographic Society, ul. Piotrkowska 102 and on the website www.ltf.com.pl